How do I connect with an advisor that’s a part of the Kansas City Financial Advisors Network (KCFAN)?
It’s simple! Just head over to their personal Advisor Profile Page (use the “Advisors” tab on the menu bar). From there, you will have the option to connect with them via email, filing out a contact form, potentially scheduling a call, or heading over to their firm website.
What if none of the advisors are “specialized” in the area that I need help?
We would love to help you find an advisor that has the expertise to serve you. Feel free to reach out to us and let us know what you’re looking for and if you have any specific preferences (fee-only, independent, local, etc.). From there we’ll put out an inquiry through the various networks that we belong to.
I’ve never worked with an advisor before, what other questions should I be asking?
First, if you haven’t done so check out all the information that we have in our “About” section. Some questions that we recommend you ask every advisor that you interview:
What are your fees? How are they paid?
How many clients do you serve?
Can you provide me with any professional references?
How long have you been practicing?
Do you have a disciplinary history?
What does your process look like?
What is your investment philosophy?
How did you lose your last two clients? Why did you fire your last client?
Finally, NAPFA has compiled a substantial list of resources for consumers when it comes to this process. We recommend their Financial Advisor Diagnostic Tool and their Tough Questions To Ask Your Advisor.
If I need help, who do I end up working with and paying?
If you’ve found an advisor that matches what you’re looking for then the next step is to reach out to them directly. This will likely lead to an introductory call. If you both choose to move forward then you will work directly with that advisor and their firm, and pay them directly as well.
Do KCFAN advisors only work with clients in the Kansas City area?
The short answer is no. Many of our advisors are structured to serve our clients long-distance (virtually) if needed. Note that this will be noted in each advisor’s personal profile. We understand that people move and relocate. This is all contingent on the client’s willingness to adopt the required technology needed to maintain a long distance relationship.
What if there are multiple KCFAN advisors that could serve me?
We suggest meeting separately with all the advisors that could potentially be a good fit for you before making a decision. If you’re still having a hard time deciding then it might be best if you authorize for the advisors in question to discuss which one is best suited to serve you.
Every advisor in the network acknowledges an “abundance mindset” and we want to make sure our fellow KC citizens are well taken care of.
What if I’m not quite ready or able to work with an advisor?
That’s alright! We encourage you to follow the content that we’ll periodically publish.