Your Financial Advice Options in Kansas City
When the Davies family relocated to Kansas City, they were thrilled about their new journey. However, as they started to contemplate their future, managing their diverse financial accounts became a challenge. Their previous advisor from Edward Jones in Iowa no longer seemed suitable. The challenge was sifting through the plethora of financial advice available.
The Antidote to Unknowable Markets
Have you ever listened to someone in Kansas City complain about the weather? “Welcome to Kansas City, and don’t worry, if you don’t like the weather, just stick around a bit, and it will change!”
Our Kansas City weather is volatile and unpredictable, which typically turns our weather-conversations into bash sessions on weather forecasters. “Why do they even make forecasts!”
Real Financial Planning Optimizes Experiences
How much fun did you have this week? Did you do anything enjoyable or amusing? Do you find satisfaction in seeing other people have fun? Does your pleasure go down when you see that someone else is having “more fun” than you? Have you had a rich or fun experience recently you didn’t post on social media?
Should I Wait to Buy a House in Kansas City?
Real estate is hot right now, but you already knew that. Why? Because housing is one of our biggest expenses in life, and real estate will also likely be one of, if not the single most valuable asset we will ever own. It’s not uncommon for someone who doesn’t know much about markets, or their budget, to still be aware of what the temperature of the housing market is.
That has you and your family wondering, “is it the right time to buy a house in Kansas City?”