Picking Your Investments Is a Lot Like the NFL Draft
The 2023 NFL Draft is just days away and it’s taking place in Kansas City, MO for the first, and quite possibly the only, time in history. Kansas City is home to a rich football tradition, and the best fans in all of the NFL, not to mention the best team in the NFL (Super Bowl Champion Kansas City Chiefs). It’s about time the NFL receives the Kansas City experience, and it all happens in the heart of Kansas City with the iconic backdrop of Union Station and the WWI Liberty Memorial.
The Antidote to Unknowable Markets
Have you ever listened to someone in Kansas City complain about the weather? “Welcome to Kansas City, and don’t worry, if you don’t like the weather, just stick around a bit, and it will change!”
Our Kansas City weather is volatile and unpredictable, which typically turns our weather-conversations into bash sessions on weather forecasters. “Why do they even make forecasts!”
How to Bitcoin in Kansas City
When Brian Harrington of retirement services provider Choice IRA visited Kansas City in February of 2022, he boldly asserted our city to have his favorite group of “bitcoiners” on his Bitcoin is Local YouTube series.
In light of the rising credibility of this asset class happening amongst traditional financial services like Choice IRA, Fidelity, and even Big 4 Accounting powerhouse KPMG, it seems like a good time to check in on where adoption is locally.
Should I Rollover an Old 401(k) or Other Retirement Plan Account?
Although the Bureau of Labor Statistics doesn't specifically track career changes, we can reasonable expect that most individuals will change jobs multiple times over the course of their lifetime.
We see this trend especially with younger generations that value opportunity, mobility, and flexibility when it comes to pursuing meaningful work.