Learn From the Kansas City Chiefs and Build Your Own Legacy
The Chiefs’ 2022-2023 season has been one for the books.
With all the Chiefs recent success, and how they’ve set up the organization to succeed in years to come, the Chiefs are well on their way to building a long standing legacy.
Similar to the Chiefs, we can build our own long lasting legacy within our personal finances if we put in the work now and capitalize on the opportunities afforded us.
The Antidote to Unknowable Markets
Have you ever listened to someone in Kansas City complain about the weather? “Welcome to Kansas City, and don’t worry, if you don’t like the weather, just stick around a bit, and it will change!”
Our Kansas City weather is volatile and unpredictable, which typically turns our weather-conversations into bash sessions on weather forecasters. “Why do they even make forecasts!”
Why Relationships Are So Important in Retirement
When we talk about a successful retirement, we often look at things like financial security and physical health. However, those are only part of the equation. Your relationships with friends, family, and your spouse are what retirement is all about!
10 Kansas City Mother’s Day Gifts That Won’t Collect Dust
When I am working on financial plans with clients they’re almost always more interested in what they can do with their money than what they can buy with their money.
If this sounds like you and your family, this is a Mother’s Day gift list you can use to help you align your financial choices more closely with what really matters to you. This list was curated by local moms and includes a variety of Kansas City outings, workshops, events, and services.
Top 5 Retirement Activities in Kansas City, Missouri
Let’s face it, retirement isn’t the most exciting word. It also might not sound like that much of an exciting part of life. The one thing that is certain: everyone retires (or stops working) at some point.
This part you know is inevitable. Here’s the thing, going into retirement isn’t actually all bad. You have more free time for yourself and your family. You get to pick up on new and old hobbies. Was there a country you’ve been wanting to visit, but you never had the time?
Kansas City Fall Family Fun That Won’t Break the Bank
Fall is in the air in Kansas City, which means the leaves are turning, the Kansas City Royals are done for the season, and the Kansas City Chiefs are in full swing as the sounds from Arrowhead Stadium reverberate throughout the city.
If you’re anything like us, you’re looking for some family fun things to do outside before we go into hibernation for the winter.
5 Tips for an Easy Transition Into Retirement
When retirement is just around the corner, it can seem exhilarating and liberating. At long last, you don’t have to punch a clock or commute to work every day.
However, as thrilled as you may be for retirement, are you really ready? Are you ready for the emotional transition? What about your finances? What are you going to do with your time? What does a “successful” retirement look like to you?
The Case for Combining Finances When You’re Married
Maybe my head has been in the sand, but over the last year or so, I’ve noticed more and more people saying they have separate finances from their spouse.
Why Kansas City Is (Actually) a Great Place to Retire
Finding a place to retire can be a tricky and serious decision. You have worked your whole life to enjoy the golden years with all the benefits they offer. In order to get the most out of your retirement, living in the right place could payoff in huge increments.