How to Bitcoin in Kansas City
When Brian Harrington of retirement services provider Choice IRA visited Kansas City in February of 2022, he boldly asserted our city to have his favorite group of “bitcoiners” on his Bitcoin is Local YouTube series.
In light of the rising credibility of this asset class happening amongst traditional financial services like Choice IRA, Fidelity, and even Big 4 Accounting powerhouse KPMG, it seems like a good time to check in on where adoption is locally.
The Ultimate KC Financial Services Referral List
Money touches just about everything that we do in life. As a CFP® practitioner, I assist my clients in numerous disciplines as their lives become more complex.
Great financial planning is about integrating investments, retirement, taxes, insurance, estate planning, and more such that all parts are working together smoothly towards the intended goal.
How to Receive the KCMO Earnings Tax Refund
Ah, the KCMO 1% “Earnings Tax.” It is a topic of frequent debate and ultimately an indelible mainstay for those who live and/or work within the city. If you have recently moved to Kansas City or received a “surprise!” letter in the mail, you may be wondering about this tax you could be obligated to pay.